Monday, 24 March 2014


Universities are supposed to supervise

colleges and maintain academic integrity and

quality. Even they have powers to withdraw 

affiliation of erring institutions and ask them

to mend. What Madurai Kamaraj University

is of late doing is the exact opposite – 

promotion of corrupt practices and blatant

dilution of standards. Take the nature of

the support it has been illegally extending

to Davamani from time to time approving 

his qualification.

1.    The Governing Council of American College not only advertised but also passed a resolution to appoint a Principal with qualifications prescribed by UGC. But His Holiness The Most Reverend Bishop Moderator Kadaksham saw the infirmities of Davamani’s PhD and thought, for the [intellectual] minority, it is necessary to downscale the qualification to Postgraduation(GC Resolution No.1/10/2011).

2.    When this was taken before the High Court (W.P.(MD)No.3530 of 2012& W.A.(MD) No.334 of 2012), the court directed Madurai Kamaraj University to consider the qualification approval of Davamani ‘in accordance with law and on merit’ (26.04.2012). This, even a child would know, meant that the approval must be considered in terms of UGC Norms 2010 which came into force on 30.06.2010 (2 years prior to the judgment).

3.    As Davamani was not qualified as per UGC Norms 2010,  Madurai Kamaraj Universiyty deliberately and with the sole aim to help him out of the way, invoked UGC Norms 2000 which was no more in force and gave him approval (02. 06. 20120). This is not only a laughable matter but also an illegality of first order which a VAO (petty village official) will not contemplate.

4.    The matter went to the court again( W.P(MD)No.2556 & 9361 of 2012 and W.A(MD)No.966 & 989 of 2012). The court not only did rule that UGC Norms 2010 must be followed but also Madurai Kamaraj University must consult the University Gants Commission on the applicability of the words ‘concerned/allied/relevant disciplines in the institution’ as given in the UGC norms before giving approvqal(30.01.2013).

5.    Now MKU was faced with fresh challenges. By now, Alagappa University had withdrawn Davamani’s PhD Eduction- Interdisciplinary (Education & Mathematics) alleging fraud. Davamani was also using two other versions of his PhD.( PhD Education and PhD Education(Interdisciplinary)). It is quite natural that such a blunderbuss of Davamani cannot be taken to Delhi to fire shots in UGC. MKU’s loyalty and unbridled devotion to Davamani made it not even to ask for a reference/clarification to Alagappa University on the alleged fraud.

6.    MKU devised two strategies to help its patron saint Davamani. First it avoided consultation with UGC as contemplated in the judgment. Second it awarded ‘yet another degree to Davamani in addition to the three already awardedby Alagappa University – ‘PhD Education with Mathematics Specialisation.’ What a coup! To window dress the case further, MKU awarded Davamani an API score of 427 points (against the minimum required 400 points under UGC 2010 regulation) without any basis.

7.    On 25.02.2013, hurriedly the Syndicate of MKU gave Davamani, qualification approval.

8.    Watching this cruel fun, I relentlessly asked MKU for vital information and documents relating to the approval. Only I received jokes after jokes from MKU. A brief summary:

a)    Did you consult the UGC as per the court order?
 MKU: We spoke over phone.( Later they said cell phone)
b)    Whom did you speak to?
MKU: Ooh… No answer.
c)     Do you keep the transcript of the conversation on the file?
 MKU: Ooh… No answer.
d)    How did you arrive at an API score of 427 for Davamani? Supply me with the supportive documents like research papers, evidence for projects done, PhD guided etc.
MKU: All these matters are secret. They are intellectual property of Davamani. (What a joke indeed! I know he is very rich!).

     My repeated queries and appeals in fact, frightened MKU. Then they started committing blunders. Six months after giving approval to Davamani (making secret phone consultations with UGC) on 04.09.2013, Dean CDC of MKU, wrote a bizarre letter to Vice Chairman, UGC, asking him whether Davamani is eligible for the post of Principal’s post.(something like a priest consulting jathagam six months after he himself got a couple secretly married). This was equally bizarrely answered, now, by an Under Secretary of UGC simply saying,  “You follow UGC 2010” (posted below).Despite UGC being a party to the case and after receiving several complaints on non-compliance of the court order by MKU on consultation, it turned a blind eye. These two letters would stand testimony for not only the kind of Inglis used these days but also the sterling character demonstrated by MKU and UGC, two watchdog institutions upholding academic standards in the country.

To make things worse, papers filed before Madras High Court and before the Registrar of Madurai Kamaraj University allege that Davamani has an API score of only 50 (posted below). Now, MKU has started telling that clarification on API score must be given only by Davamani. But Davamani has refused to comply for an RTI request. If he makes the basis of calculating API score public, I will not allege fraud and collusion.

The way things have unraveled and the way MKU, UGC and Davamani are running away from RTI requests, make me think that there is a bigger scam than what finally emrged  in Alagappa University. Why MKU should stoop so low? demonstrating potential for excellence?

T. Chinnaraj Joseph


If the entries in Davamani's columns above are wrong, can he now at least correct them?                                                                                                         Chinnaraj 

Thursday, 6 March 2014


Yesterday around 7 PM, the door bell rang and my caretaker announced the arrival of a 'madam'. I asked him to let her in. It was Dr. Karunyal, Dean of Policies, American college. I was surprised. I thought that she came to invite me for a marriage or something. But to my sheer amusement, she said she came to get my signature in the Academic Council minutes which I failed to sign long ago when I was the Principal by way of sheer omission. This could be placed before the Academic Council now for approval. (it is a pity, this is the first Academic Council meeting ever since I left in 2010).

I, for a while, wondered that Dr. Karunyal suffered somnambulism (sleep walking) and wrongly walked into my house. So with great care, I tried to explain to her that I retired in 2010 and the house in which I live is my own and it is 5 kms away from AC Campus and the present Principal is Davamani who lives there in 'Morning Side'. But she said she was on a mission to serve the general interest of the college and I must cooperate by signing the minutes. She said, otherwise the faculty would not allow that to be passed.

Hearing this, I heartily laughed and said,"Oh Karunyal poor you! You don't seem to understand the powers of Principal Davamani. He is a Master of Documents (M.D. Jointly awarded by AU and MKU). He knows how to fabricate a document- academic or otherwise. My signature is nothing. He can fabricate one more for the Council next day.

"No sir, I don't normally tell a lie. So why, I took upon my self the responsibility to set things right."

I responded to her saying "You don't need to tell lies. You get up in the faculty meeting and tell the following: ' Former Principal Chinnaraj had signed several documents. One such was Form VI, a statutory one. Even that was thrown to the wind and the Princial-in-charge was violently driven out of office and occupied by Mohan... If he signs any document now, it is worthy of only one purpose....for wiping one's..... So he asked me not to pester. But he also requested me tell you all, particularly Davamani that his present mission is to catch thieves and fraudsters and help police put them behind bars. So why, he is active on facebook and the blog.(He does not need a license for that, from American College authorities and certain faculty). The resolution be passed by document prepared by Davamani"

She looked puzzled. Then as former colleagues we exchanged pleasantries. I extended my hospitality too.

I just stepped out to see her off. Then I saw the college car waiting and a Davamani's hatchet man and a thug waiting to drive her away.

Then I stared wondering ...A peace mission? A spy mission? Or, Simple sneaking in?
Hello Davamani, stop your small tricks.                  

Note: One can share/download materials from my facebook/blog. Don't apply to Madras High Court as a good old friend of mine did yesterday out of ignorance.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014



Normally academic institutions are said to progress or evolve. Seldom do they mutate. Mutation is not good for academic institutions.

These thoughts came to my mind when I saw the official minutes of the Senatus of the American College announcing that the college is going to start Teacher Training programme. ‘Agenda Introduction of New Courses’ in Page 8 of the minutes reads:

     “…students who aspire for a teaching career may be helped with formal teacher training program leading to additional degree in education in respective field of study…”

Mutation is out of normal logic. The minutes  of the Senatus of 24th January 2014 says that there were 41 members(Page6&7).But the minutes is signed by 45 members(page2,3&4).I am surprised by the strange logic of getting support from members who never even stated to be members. What Davamani tries to say is that the spirit of supporting an innovative programme is more important than legality.(But some of my former colleagues say that they never even went to the college that day. But I console them saying that the spirit operates in ways we do not understand.)

If my understanding of the proposal is correct, the most intelligent students after three years of liberal arts education will mutate into teacher trainees. God bless!

As far as I know, Principal Davamani is the only soul who has expertise in Education. But he himself  does not fully identify with Education. But he is a famous ‘interdisciplinary’. That is what he tells everybody now when he comes to the court. In the Senatus it is again the love and spirit. We as academicians should not under estimate such ‘boundary crossings’. Mutation will always look illogical. But it is futuristic and can change the course of evolution.
Another mutative anamoly: An academic proposal from the Senatus should go to the Academic Council and the Governing Council for consideration and approval. But it has gone before the High Court inW.P(MD)No.12786 of2013 on 25.03.2014 as additional document. You may now understand the logic of mutation a little more clear.

Well! What would you call this 132 year old college committed to Liberal Christian Higher Education next year? American Teacher training College? Or davamani Training College?
Now a direct question: will anyone of you go to the court to take the bull by the horn?


At the outset all those who have respect for education and educational institutions must excuse me for using an irreverent caption for this write up. So long as the so called academicians, research guides and administrators care the least to uphold the integrity of the academic institutions they swear by and indulge in common crimes you do not find better metaphors to capture the reality.

 Alagappa University came before the High Court as late as 05.12.2013 to make an averment that Davamani Chistober has committed a fraud in obtaining the PhD Interdisciplinary (Mathematics and Education). This happened after much prodding through RTI for two years and filing of and court cases. But what it has revealed to the court and to me under RTI is much less than what has happened. Think about the following questions?

        1. How can the Research section of Alagappa University accept a thesis with the wrong nomenclature written on the face sheet during Davamani’s second submission (2007)?

         2.How come on 28.07.2007, the Viva Committee which had the two guides as members- Dr.Gabriale (Botony) and Dr.Mohan(Tamil)- turned a blind eye to the wrong and fraudulent declaration by Davamani on the very face-sheet and went about valuing the thesis and make the recommendation, to use their exact words, “the candidate may be awarded PhD in Education.”

        3.   When Viva Committee’s recommendation is final as for the matter of awarding PhD degree is concerned as per Alagappa University rules, why Registrar Dr.R.Dandabani, with impunity issued a certificate saying “Mr. Davamani Christober be declared to have qualified for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education – Interdisciplinary (Education and Mathematics) on 12.09.2007?”

      4.  Why Alagappa University even after saying Davamani as having committed a fraud, instead of cancelling his degree and filing a criminal complaint for cheating in the examination , is trying to a assuage him by awarding him the so called corrected version of  PhD namely “PhD in Education?” Is it not to protect its own employees telling the world that “it was only an administrative oversight?”

 (Alagappa University seems to have said that Davamani only cheated and not our staff. It also seems to have said “Davamani Davamani, we after all like you! Oh what a toil over research and over how many years? What will you do without a PhD as a Principal? We will now suitably reward you with the ‘correct pure version of PhD’ for having remained with us and meddling around for nine years.”)
 Nice oil message, isn’t it?

Let us be serious now. It is quite obvious that certain administrative staff, both the guides and the Registrar have actively colluded/collaborated/manipulated records/cheated in order to help Davamani who ultimately cheated the system. All these people are liable under various sections of Indian Criminal Law. And it is the duty of the present Alagappa University administration not to hide under the theory of ‘correcting a simple mistake' but order for an inquiry and file a criminal complaint.

If they fail in this responsibility, we have to initiate the process ourselves in public interest. Will anyone join me?